Saturday, February 11, 2012

How can I get my 2 kitties ( both 3 months old ) to stop playing in my house plants? Its driving me crazy!!!!?

One way only i'm afraid, get rid of the plants.

How can I get my 2 kitties ( both 3 months old ) to stop playing in my house plants? Its driving me crazy!!!!?
Give them away to real animal lovers who realise that kittens and cats are completely independent creatures and do not submit to the foibles of humans
Reply:moooove the plaaaannnts... 0.o lol:)
Reply:put cayene pepper around the plants
Reply:Try putting peppercorns on the soil; cats (and dogs) dont like the smell and stay away.

Reply:My mother had the exact same problem when my sister got her kitten. It really is quite annoying, I know. I can't say that we found a solution, as my sister ended up taking the kitten back to her apartment after the summer. However, iffff it were me, I would get a water bottle and spray them every time you see them go near the plants. You could also try putting up something to keep the kittens away from them, but I know that's probably not a possibility and probably wouldn't look the best anyway. That's about all I've got though, good luck and try to be patient!
Reply:move your plants out of the house...when you choose cats,you have to have now become an accessory to them and as such have no say! you could dig them up a chunk of sod and put it in a pot for them if you're a really good cat accessory, but you have to know that you have no more right to anything that doesn't benefit them!
Reply:No sorry, you wait until Christmas. We had to buy a new tree as our first one was destroyed in days buy our cat. It was very funny.
Reply:Try a product like Bitter Apple, you spray it on your plants. Or just put them out of reach
Reply:well u should just block off the plants with some mesh or metal chicken wire and that should do it
Reply:Put some orange peel at the bottom of the plant they don't tend to like the smell of it.

My cat is 5 years old and tends to want to eat plants I buy. But my cat doesn't leave the house and I know that cats who do go out do eat grass and plants when outside.
Reply:Move the plants, hon. Kittens play- its what kittens do!!!
Reply:yeah not gonna happen my cat does it now and she's 8

think tour self lucky i had a cat once that used to try %26amp; chew my hair if i'd been swimming!!!!!
Reply:fill a bath, put cats in a bag with some stones then put bag in bath
Reply:You have to get rid of the plant and then you can get cat grass which they love playing in! If they eat it thats ok as it does not harm the cat.
Reply:spray the plants with a vinegar and water spray/ Cats hate the smell of vinegar and it shouldnt hurt the plant!
Reply:Hide the plants or get rid, kittens love to play with things
Reply:I just visited a friend and he had a great way of handling this problem....he put some smooth stones/rocks on top of the soil in the plant pots. It looks very nice and the cats cannot dig in it!

Reply:Put landscaping stone around the plants
Reply:put your plants where your cats can't get them
Reply:sprinkle black pepper around soil
Reply:hide the plants, they could be poisonous
Reply:I don't know if this works but i read in a magazine about this problem,the vet said to put orange peel in the pot round the bottom of plant.Let me know if it works lol
Reply:3 easy steps

1 get a spray bottle

2 put some water in it

3 spray them like crazy when they touch it

also be aware cats do eat grass so go to the pet store and get them some cat grass they need it for hairball purpouses
Reply:someone once told me they don't like lemon juice try it around your plants ( got to be worth a try ) .
Reply:Give them an alternative and lace it with catnip.

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