Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is drywall dust harmful to plants?

My husband has been sanding drywall and now my house plants are covered in the dust. Should I spray them down or will they be ok?

Is drywall dust harmful to plants?
It won't hurt them at all. Save yourself a bunch of extra work and wait until hubby is done making a mess before you dust them off. They'll be just fine.
Reply:My house was just filled with drywall dust the other day!!! Just wipe off your plants and spray them down, they'll get a drink while you're cleaning them.
Reply:It will block the sunlight from reaching the actual leaves. I'd wipe them down.
Reply:The white stuff is gypsum plaster, the semi-hydrous form of calcium sulphate (CaSO4.? H2O) and not a problem for your plants.

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