Monday, January 30, 2012

Why do all house plants I have die?

House plants need only three thing to grow.....sunlight, water and good soil, period.

You can always try the artificial ones if your thumb isn't green enough to remember to water them weekly.

Why do all house plants I have die?
Maybe you water them too much and then the roots rot. If you are watering them too little, then the plants would be drooping very sadly.
Reply:probably neglect. Most plants require certain conditions, if you over or underwater ( the usual reason for a black thumb) they die. some people put plants that need shade in the window and plants that need sun in a dim room, this will stunt or kill them. The best thing you can do is find a particularly hardy plant if you have a black thumb. I suggest cacti, you can forget to water them for months and get away with it.
Reply:Stop yelling at them. Learn to love them and water them.

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