Friday, January 27, 2012

What kind of house plants don't need a lot of light?

Pothos plants... diffenbachia, spider plants, I suggest you purchase a book on houseplants and go to your local nursery or plant store and get what you like. They typically have tags in the pot that will tell you if the plant can handle low light.

What kind of house plants don't need a lot of light?
Aspidistra---"Cast Iron Plant".

Sanseveria---"Mother-in-Law" plant.

Pothos need mucho light to remain varigated.

Dieffenbachia need mucho light and fertilizer to retain and produce lower leaves.

English Ivy will tolerate low light if kept pinched back. The plant will remain bushy. Don't be afraid to pinch it

back---otherwise it will become gangly.
Reply:Ze ze plants as well.
Reply:The ones that are typically used as "office plants.

.... and Ivy .....

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