How do you prevent your cat from eating your house plants?
put your plants in a sepperate room or you can just lightly swat your cat on the bottom and it will evtualy learn not to eat them but not hard because thats mean.
Reply:idk i'll be checking this question too see if any good answers come cause i neeeed too read them!
Reply:squirt em with a water pistol when they go near the plants
Reply:did you go to a pet store and get the cat some cat grass to chew on. make sure to put it where the cat can get it. move your plants to where the cat cant get them.
Reply:tobasco or cayane pepper on them
Reply:Wish I knew - my cats have access to all the grass they could ever want but apperently nothing's better than chewing on a potted plant before breakfast !
They also sleep in the bigger pots and the vet once said - oh look - here's flea dirt and I said no, you look again it's compost ( and it was !!)
Some houseplants they leave alone - miniature rose, castor oil plant, rubber plant, money tree and any cactus !
they love spider plants and totally destroyed my 6ft swiss cheese plant
Reply:if you see him doing it, tell him bad, in like a strict voice, pick him up and tap him on the nose(not hard, but enough so it bothers him). do not pet him right after you do this. but make sure you show himt hat u love him a little later.
Reply:They have a spray called "Boundary" that you can spray to keep them away. Also mothballs in the soil work well too it you can stand the smell. You should get them some kind of indoor "kitty grass" or something for them to eat since it aids in their digestion and helping to remove hairballs.
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