When I get a cloud of gnats, usually in February, I usually use a yellow "sticky trap". These are bright yellow pieces of plastic that have been coated with glue. I get them at a local garden center in with their houseplant supplies. There are a couple seed catalogs that carry them too, I think Parks does. You can even make them: paint a piece of cardboard bright yellow and spread on some Tanglefoot or other very sticky glue that will NOT dry. Then I lay the trap down on a pot because the gnats do not fly very well and will just hop aboard and get stuck. I use the traps for whiteflies too, which are worse than the gnats because when you've got one, you've got about a thousand or so...for them, I stand the trap up, or tie it in plant branches so they can fly right to their doom. I leave the traps for a few days, then move them around so the bugs don't get used to them in one spot. It isn't an instant kill, but it works for me. Why does it work? The bugs like the color yellow and they will travel to the bright color to check it out.
How do I keep knats out of inside house plants?
put a little vinegar in a milk cap close too it.
IT will attract the Nat's too it..
Reply:they are not knats they are fruit flies who are atracted to sweet smelling plants especially during the colder monthes. go to a gardening store and there is spray to use that will eliminate them.
Reply:burn a incense in the plant the smoke and smell will run them off ..
cleansing diet
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